Fifteen Fast Fatima Facts

Fifteen Fast Fatima Facts

1. An angel appeared three times to Francisco and Jacinta Marto and Lucia dos Santos in 1916 to teach them prayers 2. Our Lady made six apparitions in Fatima between May 13, 1917 and October 13, 1917 3. In the July apparition, the children received three secrets from...
Padre Pio Had Jokes! — and They Were Funny

Padre Pio Had Jokes! — and They Were Funny

St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina is one of the most popular saints of modern times. What most people do not realize is, aside from being super holy, he was also quite funny. In your further veneration of him, here are some of his joked. Doctor Ox Italian actor, singer,...
Options for Streaming Mass During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Options for Streaming Mass During the Coronavirus Pandemic

With Masses being suspended due to the coronavirus, many will feel a spiritual gap in their life. Many dioceses and parishes are responding by live streaming Masses. Here is a list of some of the places you can live stream Mass: St. John Neumann Parish – Bryn Mawr, PA...
25 Gifs That Perfectly Describe the Lent Experience

25 Gifs That Perfectly Describe the Lent Experience

When it is Fat Tuesday and you realize you haven’t given any thought to what you are giving up for Lent When you see someone attractive with ashes on their forehead on Ash Wednesday When you accidentally touch your forehead on Ash Wednesday When you see food...
Saints for Those WIth Lonely Hearts

Saints for Those WIth Lonely Hearts

With St. Valentine’s Day coming up, many people are busy buying flowers, chocolates, and whatnot. However, a good number of us are not planning anything because we are alone . . . . . . or are we? The saints can help us with any pain we might be feeling due to...