Memes Every Catholic Should ALWAYS Have On Hand

Memes Every Catholic Should ALWAYS Have On Hand

There are moments in life when you need to have the perfect meme or graphic. I don’t know about you, but when I find them, I save them on my desktop. You never know what might be happening world wide or when you’ll run into a good debate that requires are...
What Catholic Men Talk About On A Camping Trip

What Catholic Men Talk About On A Camping Trip

The title of this post should read more like the beginning of a corny joke. Three Catholic men and a Protestant cowboy go camping… This last weekend, me and 3 good friends ventured out into the wilderness for some good old fashion wife & kid-free fun. My...
Even MORE Lame Pro-Choice Signs

Even MORE Lame Pro-Choice Signs

Just in case you are wondering, this is a sequel to another article I did called, 12 Lame Pro-Choice Signs. One of these days I am going to have to approach one of these sign holders and ask them what they are trying to say with their sign. Some are obvious, some...
8 Terms I Had To Look Up After Becoming Catholic

8 Terms I Had To Look Up After Becoming Catholic

I tell you what…learning about the Catholic Faith does not end at RCIA. It is a constant learning process. Things you might think are just common knowledge, might be a whole knew concept to a brand new Catholic, like myself. (I’ve been Catholic for a...
12 Lame Pro-Choice Signs

12 Lame Pro-Choice Signs

Sometimes they are confusing. Sometimes they make me laugh because they are so ridiculous. Other times, they contradict themselves.  Seldom are they good conversation starters and they almost always mask the hurt that comes from past decisions. What am I talking...