Even MORE Lame Pro-Choice Signs – EpicPew

Even MORE Lame Pro-Choice Signs

Just in case you are wondering, this is a sequel to another article I did called, 12 Lame Pro-Choice SignsOne of these days I am going to have to approach one of these sign holders and ask them what they are trying to say with their sign. Some are obvious, some bizarre, and some are downright hard to follow. Here’s what I do know, many injustices have been a “legal right” in this country. From slavery to abortion and everything in between. There has to come a time when we have to say enough is enough. We can no longer deny that abortion is the taking of a life. No matter how that life was conceived, doesn’t every child deserve our protection? From conception to natural death, we have to love, protect, and respect each other, and it all starts in the womb. 

Maybe if I am vulgar, people will respect my view? 


Clearly not biology majors.


I read the Bible, buuuut not really.


 Yup, that is true. But, are you saying we are not accountable for those choices we make? Are you saying we have to stand by and let injustices happen because it’s someone else’s choice?


I love throwing negative stereotypes at all pro-lifers.

A pro-choice demonstrator stands outside the Irish parliament

Thanks for clearing that up for me. Here I am thinking that my being pro-life means included everyone from conception to natural death. Oh, and did I force you into anything, really?


I think I am funny.

enhanced-buzz-8065-1298819031-0I don’t understand this one at all. Wat rites wer tuken?


I hate when men have a view that conflicts with mine.


So what if a woman was holding this pro-life sign? Do you have an argument for that? Or is it just easier to dismiss a person’s view on reproduction because of their gender?


We’re in college and think this is all about sex.


Wait. So you’re saying abortions are happening because of the people that oppose them? Not because of reckless sexual behavior, failed birth control, rape, over sexualization of teens and young people… Nope, it’s definitely not any of those things. Gotta be the GOP. Why don’t you go hit the books, gals? Looks like you have a lot more to learn.


I shalt use thy religion against thee…


Points for the play on words, but that’s about it. Does anyone else feel like reproductive rights are being reduced to a right to sex without consequences? Discuss amongst yourselves.


My baby loves me so much, she/he would be ok with his/her premature death to support my right to “choice.”


 No, your baby is not prochoice. No child is prochoice. No child believes that killing another human being is ever okay.



I apologize for being a man. And secretly, I mostly support abortion so I can have sex with whoever and never have to support a child.


 I will have a good day. Thanks!!


We are soooo tolerant!!!


My mind is blown. No rape babies!? And someone needs a lesson on where unborn babies reside.
I’m sorry (not sorry), but THIS is what hate and intolerance looks like.


Next time…
Let’s dive into the good and bad pro-life signs.  

29 thoughts on “Even MORE Lame Pro-Choice Signs”

  1. I am pro-choice. Show me one, single antichoice public figure who supports, in deeds as well as words, the genuine emancipation of women. The Catholic church teaches that women are fundamentally inferior to women. I know your catechism doesn’t use the word “inferior, but certainly that’s what Thomas Aquinas and Augustine said, and Catholic doctrine is based almost entirely on Thomas Aquinas. Furthermore, even your catechism teaches that women have a completely different role to males, and that role does NOT involve the exercise of power or autonomy. We are, in the view of your church, functionally little more than pets. Only men can be the Imago Dei, the Image of Christ. Christ is equal to God. Women are only the image of the church, the inferior filthy Earthly body made up of the fallible and disgusting humans. Women are, therefore, fallible and disgusting and men are perfect like God is. I note also that the only thing all males have in common with Jesus is having a penis. Therefore, in the eyes of the Catholic church, the most important part of Jesus was his penis.

    1. You are the one describing the most offensive ideas you can think up, as a strawman argument. As a Catholic woman who goes to Mass every day for years and knows what the Catholic Church is actually like and believes, and teaches the Faith to others, I quite firmly see the Church upholding my dignity as a woman in all the many ways the secular world seems aggressively bound on destroying. For starters, if women and men are simply interchangeable (and even fluid, notional realities that might change according to our preferences, as gender ideology proposes) then being male or female has no preciousness or even necessity. It is only if man and woman are actually complementary that what is particular to women is really necessary, irrreplaceably significant and precious. Only a woman can be a wife and mother, as only a man can be a husband and father. Man and women fulfill their meaning and purpose in relationship to one another. I myself am a celibate, my life given in single-heartedness for Jesus, and this is still true for me as for every other person, while the celibate woman in a particular way is an image of humanity as the faithful bride of God, clothed by Him in beauty and dignity. God is higher than humans–infinitely higher than man and infinitely higher than woman! Man and women are revealed as perfectly equal in relation to God being infinitely above either. Both are made in His image, above all in the faculties of intellect, will and memory which God also has (this is from St Thomas Aquinas by the way). In Christian theology, the family (man, woman, child) is an image of the Holy Trinity–and designed by God as such.

      But you would rather insult housewives, which means mothers taking care of their children at home, rather than contemplate the beauty that Catholics see in women, men, and their relationship. Isn’t it nuts to deny that there is the most profound earthly joy in the relationship of woman and man?

      1. You’ve made decisions about how you live your life. You want to convert others based on your testimony? Fine. Have at it. Good luck.
        But for those who DON’T believe what you believe–how about giving them the freedom to live their lives the way you are being given the freedom to live yours?

    2. It’s interesting that you use the word “emancipation” to defend your pro-abortion views, which dehumanize children, since it was the dehumanization of another group of people, i.e. Africans, that brought this word into your lexicon in the first place. Pro-lifers are the new abolitionists 🙂

    3. Whoa … wait a sec. The Imago Dei is the “Image of God”, not the “Image of Christ” per se. Man and Woman TOGETHER in the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony through life-giving, self-sacrificing love form the Imago Dei. Conversely, contraceptive or abortive acts can (obviously) never image the Creator.

  2. Quintus N. Sachs

    @ KarenJo12; first of all, it’s about pro-life, not anti-choice. second; what do you mean with “The Catholic Church teaches that WOMEN are fundamentally inferior to WOMEN”? Please quote Catechism or whatever document to prove this. Ouch… no catechism; well… you brought Aquinas and Augustine in, so quote them.

    And yes; “even” the Catechism finds men and women different. So does biology, nature, neurology, medicine, etcetera. Maybe you don’t like the word ‘different’. Is that so? What’s your problem – would you like everything to be the same?

    But please tell me more; what do you mean by “pro-choice”; has every woman got the right to choose for or against the life of her child? Ever? Always? Does this ever end in your opinion? If yes, at what age (of the child)?

    And a single “antichoice” public figure; Mother Teresa was single, pro-life, and a public figure. She was a wonderful WOMAN.

    1. 1. Sorry about the typo.

      2. Here some Aquinas about women: St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica I q. 92 a. 1

      “Woman is defective and misbegotten, for the active force in the male seed tends to the production of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex; while the production of woman comes from defect in the active force or from some material indisposition, or even from some external influence, such as that of a south wind, which is moist.”

      St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica I q.92 a.1 reply 2
      “Good order would have been wanting in the human family if some were not governed by others wiser than themselves. So by such a kind of subjection woman is naturally subject to man, because in man the discretion of reason predominates.”

      St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica II-II q.149 a.4
      “Sobriety is most requisite in the young and in women, because concupiscence of pleasure thrives in theyoung on account of the heat of youth, while in women there is not sufficient strength of mind to resistconcupiscence.”

      St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica II-II q.70 a.3
      “The reliability of a person’s evidence is weakened, sometimes indeed on account of some fault of his…; sometimes, without any fault on his part, and this owing either to a defect in the reason, as in the case of children, imbeciles and women, or to personal feeling…”

      3. I object to the overemphasis on the differences between men and women. No one, including the Catholic church, ever discusses those differences and them notes that women are more suited to prestigious, powerful, and remunerative careers. We are always uniquely suited to something that involves dirt, stink, and groveling. For example, if women really do have greater verbal intelligence than men, then we should dominate the field of diplomacy and judgeships. Somehow that never happens. We get jobs and roles that leave us as the helpless weak dependents of men, but men never end up needing us that much. (Any moron can do housework.) That is my problem with “differences” between men and women — the differences always leave us in a subordinate, powerless position.

  3. You want to stop abortion? Then promote comprehensive sex education in our schools (because it isn’t happening at home) and cheap and easy access to female contraception.

    Because those–opposed to “wait for marriage” and “hold your knees together”–are actually PROVEN to lower unwanted pregnancies. Which lowers abortion rates.

    But the CC doesn’t do that–for the simple reason that this ISN’T about abortion or whether fetus’ are “babies” (BTW–they aren’t).

    For you ANTI choice radicals this is about controlling other people’s behavior to fit the model of what YOU think is appropriate.

    1. Increased rates of contraception use actually correspond to increased abortion rates, as per stats compiled by, of all places, the Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned Parenthood. So, no … you’re just reiterating another pro-choice contradiction.

      1. Try reading again.
        Comprehensive sex education AND cheap and easy access to female contraception.
        Contraception without an understanding of biology is useless.
        Now–take a look at the teenage and unwanted pregnancy rates in, say, the Neatherlands and get back to me.

        1. Yeah, “comprehensive sex education” is its own heresy. You’re offering two abominations for the price of one. Further, how do you define “comprehensive sex education”? Is it only achieved/achievable in the Netherlands, which, apparently, supply the only pregnancy statistics that support your argument? And is “comprehensive sex education” going to be provided through the federal Dept of Education? Because, no thank you.

          1. Comprehensive sex education–a fundamental understanding of how the body works, what constitutes high risk vs. low risk behavior, the aging process, and yes, birth control.
            Because as long as we’ve got bible thumpers insisting on “abstinence only” we will continue to see the idiocy of children thinking that you can’t get pregnant the first time or that you can’t get VD from oral sex.
            (As an aside–I recall what my Catholic freshman roommate used to say to his prospective hook ups–“Oral’s moral”. )

          2. It appears your idea of “comprehensive sex education” merely reinforces the objectification of young people, i.e. you are just bodies — a complex of flesh and hormones that requires subjugation by external means. My religion teaches that the human person is a body-soul unity. I think your hyper-materialistic, neo-gnostic religion has forgotten about the soul. These fundamental misconceptions regarding the human person is probably also why the NETHERLANDS has experienced a SHARP INCREASE in its SUICIDE RATE in the last decade. What is the harm of suicide if you’re just a body?
            There’s nothing comprehensive about merely *sex* education.

          3. Yep, you’re definitely a dualist. If the soul is the animating principle of the body, there is no effect for which the soul is not the cause, either primary or secondary.

          4. If you’re getting frustrated with this conversation (to the point of name-calling, wow), you may want to invest time filling in the gaps of your education. Don’t feel like you’re alone in this — our educational system focuses on creating employees, not thinkers … speaking of comprehensive education.

          5. Boastful, cynical, mocking, superficial — is this really the kind of person you want to be? You could be so much more! Even if you’ve had some terrible psychological trauma in your life, as from an abortion, it’s never too late for healing, forgiveness, and mercy.

          6. Oh, I love a good apologetics conversation about the Eucharist, the Virgin Birth, etc. [cracks knuckles] … I’ll be adding more later. For now, remember, as critical thinking goes, the Catholic Church invented the scientific method, the university system, and is the fountainhead of Western thought. We’d have no Ivy league at all, but for the Church. More to come 🙂

          7. The Eucharist: For starters, why wouldn’t you want to believe in something so amazing as a God who gives Himself so entirely to His people that His Church can, in turn, offer His very body, blood, soul, and divinity in communion?
            But you asked about evidence. The world is full of Eucharist miracles, in which the consecrated bread has also visibly taken the form of flesh, usually cardiac tissue. Take the Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano, for example. Just google it. It has been thoroughly studied by objective third party medical examiners. The crazy-amazing thing to me, though, is that it actually violates the First Law of Thermodynamics, i.e. the conservation of mass-energy. All three pieces weigh the same as each individual piece! It’s just amazing.

          8. Quintus N. Sachs

            @ cmimca; I quote from your posts: “moron, ANTI choice radicals, mélange of bronze age mythology and medieval voodoo, bible thumpers, bunch of old guys in dressing and flaming purses have some sort of
            moral authority–once they’ve finished diddling the alter boys, Your a braindead sucker” seems you’re running out of arguments.

          9. BTW–are you considering yourself a “thinker” when your entire religion is based on “Pray, Pay, And Obey”?
            When it expects us to believe crackers and wine become flesh and blood?
            I could claim they become oreos and diet mountain dew and my claim is as valid as yours–has as much proof as yours.
            You expect anyone to rationally believe in virgin birth and resurrection? That a bunch of old guys in dressing and flaming purses have some sort of moral authority–once they’ve finished diddling the alter boys?
            Your a braindead sucker that has bought into the longest running CON in history and you want to talk about critical thinking?

          10. Every living being other than man.
            Because, according to your religion, they don’t have “souls” the way man does–they only have “breathe”.
            Over and OUT.

          11. Oh boy. No, animals have mortal souls whereas humans have immortal souls. The immortality of the human soul is an ancient concept, spanning world religions and cultures. Even Plato and Aristotle arrived at this idea using merely natural reason. Anima, the Latin word for soul, by the way, is also where we get the word animal.

          12. I used the Netherlands because 1.) it is considered “notoriously” liberal; 2.) teenagers are OLDER when they lose their virginity, compared to US teens; 3.) there is less teen pregnancy than in the US–including the bible belt; and 4.) there is less unintended pregnancy than in the US.
            You may now go back to practicing the mélange of bronze age mythology and medieval voodoo you call a religion.

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