Sacrifice is a central part of Catholicism. We offer personal struggles for various petitions. We fast and sacrifice things such as social media. Most importantly, every day we offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In the midst of the French Revolution and Reign of...
“Dad, sign my permission slip!” “Dad, can we stop for ice cream?” “Dad, my car is making a funny noise…” From priests to parents, fathers have always held a vital role in the Church. As Father’s Day draws near, this is a...
Whether you need a moment of sanity while raising a houseful of crazy kids, want a little extra heavenly help with your marriage, or just plain can’t sleep because of your upcoming final, St. Rita—patron of impossible causes, difficult marriages, and...
When you have something as old as the Catholic Church, you’re bound to see some rough patches and damage done. We’ve seen martyrdoms and terrorist attacks, clergy scandals, and natural disasters. Through all of this, the Church stood strong. On an...
Between Holy Week and the upcoming release of Avengers: Endgame, there’s a lot to be excited about right now. Have you ever stopped to wonder which Avenger the Apostles might play? Well, here are your answers. STARRING . . . Peter as Iron Man Simon Peter was quite the...