On Sunday, August 28, 2016, a young jihadist would-be suicide bomber who appears to have been inspired by the Islamic State attempted to detonate an explosive device carried in his backpack during Sunday Mass at Saint Joseph Catholic Church, a parish in the...
In August of 2016, both The Washington Post and Business Insider chronicled the financial success of Rob and Sam Fatzinger, a dynamic husband and wife team, and how they have managed to raise their thirteen children debt-free in one of the most expensive regions in...
Catholics sometimes have the ignoble distinction of not being sufficiently familiar with the Bible, or as familiar as we ought to be. That is unfortunate, in either appearance or actuality, particularly considering that the Catholic Church provided all twenty-seven...
On the evening of Sunday, August 14, 2016, famed Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt won gold in a characteristically dynamic and seemingly effortless 100-meter performance at his third consecutive Olympics, this time in Rio de Janeiro, making him the first athlete to...
The Congregation of Holy Cross was founded by the French priest Blessed Basil Moreau in 1837. On September 15, 2007, Blessed Basil was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI. Saint André Bessette (the first Holy Cross saint) was likewise canonized by Pope Benedict on October...