In recent years, the general public’s perception of the acceptability of recreational drug use, particularly in the form of marijuana, has increased. This follows the same trend of tolerating behaviors that were once taken for granted as inherently immoral. For the...
November is the Catholic Church’s celebration of “Black Catholic History Month,” as described by the Archdiocese of Washington. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops likewise offers a webpage featuring Timely Ministry Resources for Black...
Every October 31, American Catholics worth half their weight in holy water are busy reminding their countrymen that without All Saints’ Day (November 1), there would be no Halloween. Indeed, the word “Halloween” derives from the anachronistic designation of “All...
No matter whom you are voting for, and whether or not we are in the midst of an election cycle, it is important for American Catholics to take the time to pray for our nation. Here are five prayers that every Catholic can pray in order to strengthen our faith and grow...
The fathers of the Council of Trent (1545-1563) would be proud! Are you a devotee of the Latin Mass, or are you more of a Novus Ordo adherent? Or do you value the attributes of both Eucharistic celebrations? If you love the Latin Mass, there is now a new app available...