Each week, we go to Mass as a family. And after Mass, I sometimes wonder if going to Mass was even worth the time, because most of it felt like we were corralling kittens! Here are some awesome tips and tricks to prepare and get the most out of weekly Mass. 1. Get the...
We are told in the beginning God created everything out of nothing. For thousands of years of the creation story being handed down, retold and finally written by Moses, the people accepted that God created everything. Then, people started questioning and studying the...
Besides the normal pencils, paper and backpacks that we normally send kids back to school with, there is a list of Catholic supplies kids should never go to school without. A morning prayer Every morning on the way to school, turn off the radio and say a quick prayer...
Any parent will tell you that kids have a very short attention span. (You’ve known this for a long time, right?) Parents are lucky to have them long enough to sweep the floor or pick up one shirt off their floor. This can be especially true when it comes to...
At the end of every Mass, we are told to “Go out and share the Gospel.” As the congregation begins to leave somewhere between beating the priest out the door, to leaving right at the end of the first verse, to leaving at the end of the chorus, to actually waiting to...