Laura Ricketts, Author at EpicPew – Page 2 of 4

Laura Ricketts

Laura Ricketts is a wife and mother who adores her husband and homeschools her teenaged children. She is on the board of directors for the Wojtyla Community and Institute and is the Coordinator of Marriage and Family Life at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church. Laura happily travels to speak about the Wojtylan vision for the human person, the Feminine Genius, and topics related to marriage and family life. Laura and her family consider their parish to be their second home and if not there, she can be found avoiding the ever present pile of laundry, reading about her hero and Spiritual Father, St. John Paul the Great while eating bacon and wishing she had more cats!

What 60% of Catholics Don’t Know About the Eucharist—But Need to Learn

Recently a Pew Research study determined that approximately sixty percent of Catholics do not believe in the True Presence of Christ under the species of bread and wine in the Eucharist. This has caused a stir and some consternation among the faithful, priests, and bishops. The Eucharist, according to Lumen Gentium no. 136, is the

What 60% of Catholics Don’t Know About the Eucharist—But Need to Learn Read More »

Fr. Martin Tweeted What?….Again?

The “Twitterverse” can be a cantankerous place. Amidst the opportunities for evangelization, dialogue, and networking there are also plenty of instances of confusion, scandal, and sometimes even apparent heresy. No one knows this better, perhaps, than Fr. James Martin, S.J. Jesuit priest, author, consultant to the Vatican Dicastery for Communication, editor of America Magazine, and

Fr. Martin Tweeted What?….Again? Read More »