Awesome Catholic YouTube Channels You Should Watch Now – EpicPew

Awesome Catholic YouTube Channels You Should Watch Now

Pope St. John Paul II was all about the New Evanglization and part of that is using the new media. YouTube is part of this new media and so some Catholics have been blazing the way on this platform. Think YouTube isn’t that important to the New Evangelization? Here are some crazy statistics for you:

– 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube *every minute*

– Almost *5 billion* videos are watched on YouTube *every day*

– YouTube gets over 30 million visitors *per day*

You can find these stats and more here but its obvious that so many people look to YouTube for entertainment and information and so it is the perfect place to build the New Evangelization. Here are some Catholic channels worth your time:


That Catholic Couple

Headed by husband and wife Daniel and Ana Glaze, they are all about showing the fun side of Catholic married life. #DonutSquad


Kate & Mike Catholic Crusade

On a mission to bring the lost sheep back into the fold, Kate and Mike use creativity, humor, and sound teaching to plant seeds of faith in an entertaining way to help people get back on the path to eternal life


Catholic Word of the Day

A fun channel that explores the meanings of different words in the Catholic vocabulary and also some trivia!


Ok Catholics

A brand new channel by the man behind Catholic Word of the Day and his wife, this blog explores the living and failing of an authentically Catholic life



Like it sounds, this guy loves sports and loves Christ and mixes the two effortlessly in his videos- which range in topic from how to be a good athlete, professional sports teams and leagues, and faith.


New Catholic Generation

A collaborative of young Catholics, they seek to reach their generation by talking about everything under the sun, from movies and television to Catholic shopping tips to current events, everything! Many of the other YouTubers on this list are contributors to this channel, as well, and they have been featured on other channels such as Catholic Word of the Day.


Steve the Missionary

The description says that these videos are about being a missionary to college students, but they are so much more. From music reviews to seamlessly weaving In-N-Out into the faith traditions of the Church (don’t even talk to me about another burger) to prayer life and everything in between, Steve is engaging, informative, and fun. Don’t let his always-surprised eyes fool you, he’s solid.


Ascension Presents

Fr. Mike Schmitz gets down with the questions of the faith in all its practical aspects- and more!



This is the channel of one of the great guys over at New Catholic Generation talking about faith and life and current events. Ever charismatic, ever apologetic, this guy is worth the watch.


Parables of the Film Industry

Like it sounds, Ned analyzes popular films to find Christian meaning in them. Great stuff!


The Ezer Project

This channel is devoted to helping teach people the skills to build effective ministry- there is great information and support here for whatever idea or ministry you feel you are being called to build. Check it out!


Bishop Robert Barron

Last, but certainly not least, is Bishop Robert Barron of Word on Fire. His commentaries on faith and culture are informative, faith-filled, and inspirational, challenging us to look at the culture through the lens of faith and faith as encompassing culture, no matter the divide. His YouTube videos are a great compliment to his weekly sermons that can be found at


This list is certainly not exhaustive but it is a great place to start. Happy surfing!


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