It’s not easy letting things go when your pride and ego have been wounded. I don’t know a single person who doesn’t automatically react in a negative way, at least not initially. There are some people who try to cultivate humility by letting things go, whether they...
Pittsburgh is truly one of the great American cities and that’s reflected in its cultural diversity. This diversity is reflected most beautifully and sweepingly in its Catholic churches and awesome eateries. But there’s just so much depth and beauty in...
There’s a secret that no one tells you about when it comes to wearing a religious habit. The POCKETS! While women’s pants pockets are basically nonexistent, religious habits are making up for pocket inequality. But it’s not all sunshine. Sometimes...
There are a lot of saints that are patrons of specific countries. However, sometimes they are relatively unknown to others outside of said country. Sometimes, even residents of those countries don’t even know about their patron! Saint David of Wales is one of...
“Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” If you attended Mass on Ash Wednesday, you heard those words. If you’re anything like me, you walked back to the pew and wondered what those ashes on your forehead looked like. Did you have a...
Talking about Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory during Lent seems cruel, especially if you gave up sweets. But the lessons that Willy and Charlie teach us go far beyond food. This penitential season is the perfect time to revisit the classic tale, or introduce...