Will You Be Remembered, and Does it Matter?
What do you want to be remembered for? Making a mark in the world feels like a way to count—to make a difference and be remembered. If, however, we want to be famous and have some monument constructed or a biography written about us, then we are living for the world....
10 Best Ways to Start (And Keep) Your Kids Praying the Rosary
Teaching our kids how to properly pray the Holy Rosary and reflect on the mysteries as the beauty of the repetition washes over us sounds like a goal someone without kids must have thought up. It’s a beautiful idea, but have you ever tried to pray a rosary with...
How to Grow Closer to the Saints on All Saints Day
All Saints Day As we begin to close out October—continuing to pray our rosaries of course!—we look ahead to All Saints Day. It’s a day we can look to the saints for inspiration, an example of how to live in a world which rejects God. There are a lot of saints to be...
Remembering All Souls in November (and Beyond)
November 2nd is the solemnity of All Souls Day. It follows the solemnity of All Saints Day which is celebrated on November 1st. November is a month dedicated to the faithful departed, and the church sets aside the month to commemorate the deceased marked with the sign...