A Saint for Every Day in July

A Saint for Every Day in July

1. St. Junipero Serra Spanish missionary to California who founded nine missions and converted 6,000 people. Stood up to the authorities over their treatment of the native population 2. St. Bernardino Realino Lawyer turned Jesuit known for being a model confessor,...
The Worldwide Synod: What Can We Learn?

The Worldwide Synod: What Can We Learn?

nacho-arteaga-g45jQQnJ-U-Unsplash.jpg The Worldwide Synod started in 2021 and ends in 2023. It is an endeavor started by Pope Francis teaching us to walk together as Catholics. The goal is to learn, and to grow in faith. The Synod is an invitation for the entire world...
The Visitation of Our Lady, and Life in the Womb

The Visitation of Our Lady, and Life in the Womb

The Feast of the Visitation of Our Lady is one of pure joy. One that features infants in their mother’s wombs greeting each other. Mary, newly pregnant following her beautiful fiat, arrives at her Aunt and Uncles home. The marvelous thing that happens is that...
An Exorcist Talks about Horror Movies and Board Games

An Exorcist Talks about Horror Movies and Board Games

If the devil is going to show up at some point in a movie, I’d rather not see it. Yet, any exorcist will tell you that it’s the devil that you don’t see that is the most dangerous—the ones that tell you immorality is a good thing and if there’s a God, he wouldn’t...
Counseling the Doubtful: A Job for All Christians

Counseling the Doubtful: A Job for All Christians

https://pixabay.com/photos/mother-daughter-together-loss-joy-1327186/ Counseling the Doubtful is a spiritual work of mercy one we can practice daily. Not only daily, this is one we are assured to have opportunities to practice often. Moments appear daily, and in...
What’s So Bad About Contraception and IVF??

What’s So Bad About Contraception and IVF??

Contraception and In Vitro Fertilization (IFV) are two very misunderstood concept sand procedures. They seem like opposites, however they are two halves of the same coin. They are wrong for the same reasons initially, and then we can go into the moral effects,...