Why Music Matters at Mass
I’ve heard the question: “Why don’t we just not have music in the Mass? We could say the prayers without music.” They’ll say “The services could be shorter or the homily longer without the music.” And it’s true: not everyone...
4 Things Justin Martyr Teaches Us About The Roman Empire
Justin Martyr is a saint that played a pivotal role in my conversion. It was through his work that I saw a glimpse of the ancient catholic liturgy. He lived in a time where being a Christian was illegal. These believers risked everything, including their lives, to...
Jesus’s Missed Opportunities?
Did Jesus miss an opportunity?Listening to the Gospel one morning at Mass, I was struck by Jesus’s missed opportunity. In Matthew 19:16-22, when the young man approached Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?” Jesus gave him a to-do list:...
5 Surprising Ways To Sanctify Your Sleep
With the colder months and daylight ending as Summer approaches, many people are going to bed earlier. And with the pandemic still here and teleworking the norm, many others are waking up later. Saint Paul told us to pray unceasingly. That would include our time...