Forget the Easter Baskets? Here are Some Quick Ideas

Forget the Easter Baskets? Here are Some Quick Ideas

Holy Week: our week to contemplate all that Christ did for us, mourn his suffering and death, and all while preparing for the celebration of easter! Of course Easter baskets are not a need. However, if they are a part of your tradition, here are some last minute...
5 Ways to Celebrate Easter Like an Adult

5 Ways to Celebrate Easter Like an Adult

Easter may be the pinnacle of the liturgical year, but aside from going Mass and sharing a meal with loved ones, when was the last time you truly celebrated the feast? When you were five, perhaps? It seems like Easter has become a holiday for kids, and that’s a shame....
Strange Lenten Foods You May (not) Want to Try

Strange Lenten Foods You May (not) Want to Try

One of the hallmarks of Lent is abstinence on Fridays, and fasting and abstinence on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. As Lent continues this can leave Catholics feeling less and less creative when it comes to the culinary arts and reaching for the pizza delivery phone...