More Fantastic Faces of Pope Francis
In July of 2015, EpicPew published The Fantastic Faces of Pope Francis. Since that time, the Holy Father has continued to make the best faces. Here are some more of those faces. The “I love dogs” face The “I love to laugh” face The “imma...
7 Prayers to Honor St. Joseph during His Year
In Patris Corde, Pope Francis says one of the goals of the apostolic letter establishing this year of St. Joseph is “to encourage us to implore his intercession.” St. Joseph is a well-known miracle worker and powerful advocate for those who seek his...
Are You Practicing All Three Lenten Pillars?
Most people know that Lent is a time when we give up something we like as an offering to deepen our relationship with Christ. Some people give up something and also add on a spiritual discipline like praying the rosary everyday. But did you know that there are...
Powerful Ways to Finish Your Lent
So here we are, close to the completion Lent and maybe we haven’t been as faithful to what we have “given up” as we were on Ash Wednesday or maybe we just haven’t made any changes at all. Just like New Year’s resolutions, we find failures...