4 Paradoxes in the Life of St Frances Xavier Cabrini

4 Paradoxes in the Life of St Frances Xavier Cabrini

I’ve grown in friendship with this remarkable saint a lot since visiting the Mother Cabrini Shrine in Golden, Colorado earlier this fall. The more I’ve read about her, the more I’ve realized the surprising paradoxes that pepper her story! 1. The...
Our True King in Wake of the Elections

Our True King in Wake of the Elections

As the United States is still trying to confirm the general elections of who will be inaugurated president come January, let us run quickly back through history at a few of our leaders and discover who really is in control. This is by no means trying to compare our...
Do You Know the “Second Founder” of Notre Dame?

Do You Know the “Second Founder” of Notre Dame?

We know it for the colors: blue and gold. We know it for the famous mural: touchdown Jesus. Cultural and collegiate icon, the reputation of The University of Notre Dame precedes itself. But away from the football program and rivalries, and although the founding of the...
Catholics and the Proper Use of Drugs

Catholics and the Proper Use of Drugs

It’s not unusual to see or read about drunkenness in the Bible. Jesus’ first miracle involved wine at a wedding, and he used wine when giving his Apostles his blood. With a society surrounded by marijuana, alcohol, and other drugs, it is sometimes difficult to discern...
5 Catholic Ways to Celebrate Halloween in Style

5 Catholic Ways to Celebrate Halloween in Style

Halloween is a tricky holiday (no pun intended), and many Catholics struggle with whether to celebrate it at all. The way our culture celebrates Halloween tends to glorify the demonic, and year after year, Halloween is rife with demonic costumes, frightening...