I am a self-professed Bible nerd, and I collect various translations and editions of the Scriptures. This is something that started in my Protestant days and has carried on into the present as a Catholic. As a result, I often get asked what Bible will be suited best...
ADHD Awareness Month (October) is upon us once again. In previous years, I have written about Struggles All Catholics with ADHD Can Understand and Saints for Those Who Struggle with ADHD. This year, I would like to give you some prayer tips for Catholics with ADHD....
Religious art has evolved over the centuries, ever since the first crude depictions of martyrdom were etched and drawn in catacombs. At some point symbolism and artistic license became more common in religious art, which leaves us with some rather burning questions....
C.S. Lewis may not be a Catholic author, but that hasn’t stopped his work from being incredibly impactful in the Catholic sphere. Though best known for his fantasy series The Chronicles of Narnia, Lewis also wrote many more theologically minded pieces, including Mere...
Recently, my kids have finally gone back to school after leaving the day before spring break. Five long months of basically staying home for them except for a few activities all summer long. It’s something that has never been done before, especially on a...
In recent days, there has been backlash about some depictions of Christ and his Blessed Mother. Though a blonde Mary and a pale Jesus are not exactly historically accurate, that doesn’t mean such images shouldn’t exist. Bishop Hying of Madison, Wisconsin...