7 Words Beginning with “P” for Pentecost

7 Words Beginning with “P” for Pentecost

Pentecost is the sometimes called the “Birthday of the Church.” While it’s true that the Church was founded through the out pouring of the Holy Spirit, that gift was given to the whole church by being given to individuals. The tongues of fire came down and touched...
Suitable Nickname Ideas for the Great St. Boniface

Suitable Nickname Ideas for the Great St. Boniface

June 5 is the memorial of St. Boniface, an English Benedictine monk most known for converting pagans in what is now Germany. He is also a really cool guy and deserves to have a really cool nickname. Here are some suggestions: The monk formally known as Winfrid Yep,...
If Jesus had Facebook—Hilarious Posts Ideas

If Jesus had Facebook—Hilarious Posts Ideas

Scrolling through my feed got me thinking, “what would Jesus post” (WWJP) if he was living during a time when there was Facebook. I searched several feeds of pages which quoted Jesus, but nothing really fit what I was thinking, so I created my own feed of...