In the age of the Internet, iPhones, social media, and other technological amenities of the 21st century, is learning from the pages of centuries old writing even relevant anymore? Have we not progressed as a society where psychologists, depression medicine, and other...
Pentecost is the sometimes called the “Birthday of the Church.” While it’s true that the Church was founded through the out pouring of the Holy Spirit, that gift was given to the whole church by being given to individuals. The tongues of fire came down and touched...
Life is full of tough stuff and tough questions. What’s the meaning of life? What am I made for? What is the purpose of life? All these and more routinely puzzle and confound us and sometimes leave us feeling confused, alone, and even depressed. But never fear,...
June 5 is the memorial of St. Boniface, an English Benedictine monk most known for converting pagans in what is now Germany. He is also a really cool guy and deserves to have a really cool nickname. Here are some suggestions: The monk formally known as Winfrid Yep,...
Scrolling through my feed got me thinking, “what would Jesus post” (WWJP) if he was living during a time when there was Facebook. I searched several feeds of pages which quoted Jesus, but nothing really fit what I was thinking, so I created my own feed of...
In May e celebrate Pope St. John Paul II’s 100th birthday. Even 15 years after his death, he continues to impact Catholics throughout the world. But even with his notoriety, there are some facts you may not know about this saintly pope. 1.When his mother,...