10 Ways to Epic Fail Lent

10 Ways to Epic Fail Lent

Lent has officially begun. For the next 40 days (give or take a few, depending on when you’re reading this), it’s all about fasting, almsgiving, prayer, and making room in your heart for God. It is a penitential season in which we look at our lives and see where God...
7 Fun Facts About Mardi Gras (Plus a Sweet Surprise)

7 Fun Facts About Mardi Gras (Plus a Sweet Surprise)

1. New Orleans didn’t invent Mardi Gras New Orleans can thank their celebration of Mardi Gras to the Europeans who brought their religious practices with them to the colonies. This specific holiday was celebrated with as much vigor as it would have been in...
Humility Every Catholic Must Know This Lent

Humility Every Catholic Must Know This Lent

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less.” — C.S. Lewis Humility: the hallmark of the saints Humility is that ever elusive hallmark of the saints. Associated with the virtue of temperance, it is the virtue that as soon as...