9 Helpful Ways to Prepare for Mass

9 Helpful Ways to Prepare for Mass

Each week, we go to Mass as a family. And after Mass, I sometimes wonder if going to Mass was even worth the time, because most of it felt like we were corralling kittens! Here are some awesome tips and tricks to prepare and get the most out of weekly Mass. 1. Get the...
5 Reasons We Exalt the Cross Every 15th of September

5 Reasons We Exalt the Cross Every 15th of September

The Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of The Exaltation of the Holy Cross on 15 September. Reflecting upon the significance of the cross for our salvation, I wanted to share with you all five insights that causes me to rejoice in the cross of Christ. 1. It is the...
The Our Lady of Sorrows Mother Challenge, Accepted!

The Our Lady of Sorrows Mother Challenge, Accepted!

September is observed as the month of Our Lady of Sorrows. On the feast day, September 15th, some Catholics partake in the devotion to the seven Sorrows of Mary by praying seven Hail Marys while meditating on each of her seven sorrows. As revealed to St. Bridget of...