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OMAHA, NEBRASKA – The new Choose Life license plates have been revealed, and they are beautiful! The licence plates depict a mother leading a child by hand through a grassy field at sunrise. It took over a year and six filibusters were defeated, but as of January 1st, the citizens of Nebraska will be able to purchase the specialized plates. The final vote from legislator was 35-5 in favor.


Governor Ricketts defending the passing of the plate despite the objections of some said, “Life is precious and public officials have a duty to stand up and be a voice for the unborn and most vulnerable.”

Nebraska is the 30th of the 50 states to have a prolife license plate available. It will cost an additional $5 for the specialized plates in Nebraska, and money collected towards the plates will remain in state to care for pregnant women in need.

Funds raised will be going directly to a Nebraskan non-profit Bethlehem House, which seeks to give assistance to women who need support during pregnancies. They provide shelter, food, training, childcare, job assistance, medical care, and more! Specifically Bethlehem House has stated that the money raised by the plates will go specifically into their temporary assistance program – “temporary” being because their goal isn’t simply to bring the mothers and babies to birth, but to see them on their feet an thriving when they exit the program. To learn more about the program, follow this link to their page.

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