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It’s winter and all things homey and cozy are close by as we snuggle up with our loved ones in comfortable throw blankets and pillows. What’s missing from this picture? A pot on the stove or a roast in the oven with smells and flavors mixing and wafting throughout our homes and out into the neighborhood. Need some inspiration? Check out these catholic cookbooks for encouragement for the soul and nourishment for the body!

Cooking with the Saints

One of the books I reference the most for feast days, I haven’t found a bad recipe in this book, and organized by the calendar, this will make celebrating, feasting and doing so liturgically a breeze! I look a month in advance and add to my planner’s menu planning so I remember where I wanted to pull the recipe from and have plenty of time to get any ingredients that might not be in my pantry in advance.

The Vatican Cookbook

Just as beautiful as it is full of amazing recipes, this is one that will please both the foodie chef and the Vatican History buff. Impressive enough to be a coffee table book, the pictures and stories within the book are just as valuable as the recipes.

The Vatican Christmas Cookbook

Simple to extravagant, these are current and past favorite recipes found being made in the Vatican kitchens at Christmas. Just as beautifully done, this sequel to the prior book holds recipes you’ll want to have over and over beyond the Christmas season.

12 Months of Monastery Soups

It doesn’t get more cozy that that feeling of a full belly from warm soup and a large pot available to share on the stove top. On top of that, many of the recipes contained in this monastery cookbook are also healthy!

Saintly Feasts

Pairing tried and true recipes enjoyed by a community of ministry and hosting, along with feast days with a history and pictures, this is a gem of a cookbook. I’m excited to add it into our rotation for feast days especially.

Lenaburg Family Kitchen Bundle

If you ever see a recipe posted by Mary Lenaburg, just go ahead and add it to your meal plan and print out the recipe, because it’s going to be an instant favorite. Her smoky hammock pea soup may not sound very exciting- but when you have tried you, you will dream about it and salivate at the thought. When I saw she had cookbooks out, I knew I had to add them to our collection. Every recipe from these ebooks has been a winner.

Grace Before Meals

This one is actually coming in as an epiphany gift for my family and I’m excited to have the opportunity to start trying some of the recipes when it joins the shelf! I’ve flipped through it a few times in the local Pauline Bookstore, and I can’t wait to open it up again!

Enjoy breaking break with the people you love and care for! Happy 2024!

Featured Image: Unsplash. Free for commercial use. No attribution required. 

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