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Steubenville 2016, Fr. Mike Schmitz drew a huge crowd with the name of his talk he changed within moments of starting. It went from “Love, Same Sex Attraction and Tolerance” to “Love and Same Sex Attraction.” It is easily one of the most powerful talks on this subjects and one I have personally listened to over and over.

In this day and age it is impossible to turn on the tv or the internet or go out without having to face this topic. So how are we going to face this topic as Catholics? How are we going to face this topic as parents and godparents? How are we going to face this topic with friends and family who come to us for answers on what we believe and they are watching closely for us to respond in action, and some who can’t wait to pounce on us for being hateful or intolerant? I hope this blesses you in the way it has me.

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