1. When you realizeĀ it’s been a while since you went to confession
2. Then you start your examination of conscience and it’s not pretty
3. And you downplay how much you need confession
4. Looking through available confession times near you has got you like
5. When you walk up to the confession line only to realize that it’s LentĀ
6. Before you walk in you realize you have to confess the same sins as last time
7. When you have to remember how many times you committed that sin
8. And it feels great to finally get them of your chest
9. And what you think the priest looks like when he hears your sins
10. But this is what he actually looks like:
11. When the priest gives you great advice
12. And he gives you your penance
13. When the priest, acting in the person of Christ, says: “You’re sins are forgiven.”
14. And you can’t figure out why people don’t go to confession all the time
15. All of a sudden you realize you’ve promised to amend your lifeĀ