The United States has had a rough 2020. Division is everywhere on topics that span a range of freedom and lack of freedom, income and jobs, COVID-19, will a mask hurt or help your health, racism, and being unable to attend funerals or visit hospitals for big life events. And all this, while gearing up for an election this Fall for some added drama! It’s been a challenge. So when two respected members of the catholic community lead the charge in unity and bringing us together, I cannot help but feel immediately comforted and ready to take on the challenges they might present to me to bring that unity about.
I hope you find the same comfort as I did in the following video:
Following this talk, Father Josh Johnson was on several podcasts as well as some other youtube channels. Check out this video with Fr. Mike Schmitz, which really added to the conversation and helped me know what my role and response could and should be, when it is easy as someone raised in the “color blind” generation to feel awkward knowing what and where it’s my place to step into the conversation.
Just for fun, also check out this video of Fr. Josh Johnson rapping: