Advent Calendars were always fun as kids. The chocolate or the little gift inside, it made our day! As adults though, we got more creative. Er… some of us did. Others went overboard. Here’s a few of our favorites.
Beer’s always a winner
Once again, our northern neighbors in Canada prove themselves, eh?! To find your own beer sampler advent calendar click here.
There’s several ways to do it
 (Upside down)
(In a tree)
Wine’s a winner too
A bottle a day keeps the worries away
Apparently Lego made one?
And a Nicholas Cage/Post-It Note one…
 We can’t get enough beer… mmmm. Stella
Kinder Eggs!
 Legend of Zelda (made by a pretty awesome girlfriend)
Or just give several gifts, never a bad idea!
I don’t think that’s enough for one day
 Is this guy holding a meat cleaver at the skating rink?
If wine and beer aren’t your taste
And a Star Wars one? AWESOME!
And one for the Trump household