With Fall approaching and the return of the coveted PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte)…make pumpkin spiced all the things!…Basic White Girls will be coming out of the woodwork. In their honor, here’s your guide to being a Basic Catholic Girl.
1. Organizes prayer groups or women’s devotional clubs wherever she goes 
2. Always carries her Bible and favorite devotional in her purse
….she’ll always be able to quote Fulton Sheen and St. John Paul II to you!
3. She can’t decide between bringing a rosary and wearing a rosary bracelet
4. She may wear this shirt to Praise and Worship
5. Or this one
6. She has a crush on the cute, young extraordinary minister of Holy Communion
…and she prays she gets to receive the Most Precious Blood from his strong and gentle hands.
7. She learns how to play the guitar just so she can sing praises to Jesus
…and to take lessons from the cute P&W leader
8. She has a Catholic Match profile
“Looking for the St Joseph to my Blessed Virgin Mary”
9. She gets engaged at her favorite church/chapel/shrine
10. She names her kids a mix of trendy and traditional Catholic names
…like Jackson Pio and Stella Maris