If you’re a devotee of the Stations of the Cross, you might consider checking out The Way of the Cross by Archbishop Georg Ganswein, and incorporate it into the rest of the liturgical year as well! After all, we don’t take the stations down when lent is over. It is a powerful part of our faith we see every time we enter our Churches!

Archbishop Georg Gänswein, longtime secretary to Pope Benedict XVI, remedies that failure of our imaginations. Here he vividly depicts Jesus’ final, slow, sorrowful passage through the narrow, dusty streets of Jerusalem, out the gate in the city’s wall, and unto Golgotha, where our Lord is crucified.
This beautiful book has been written and illustrated in a way that brings life and meaning into the stations. Do you sometimes feel yourself taking for granted the stations and the beautiful art that surrounds it? Full color, but vivid and heartbreaking, the images in this book will grab your attention even before you begin the reflection on the station.

You can feel the exhaustion and the agony of the nails as they were driven into our Lord’s body. The prayers and reflections will leave you feeling the power of The Way of the Cross and our Lord’s Passion.

The book ends with some prayers many of us have memorized but truly finish off our reflection on The Way of the Cross in a beautiful way, bringing some peace to our own souls and leaving us realizing the power of what Jesus did on our behalf. Get your copy by Clicking Here!