Norma McCorvey, “Jane Roe” (from Roe vs Wade), passed away yesterday, from heart failure according to Joshua Prager, a journalist who has written about her in the past and is currently working on a book about Roe v. Wade. She was 69.
Norma had a difficult early life, and at 21, a single mother in poverty with an unplanned pregnancy was the perfect target for those who wanted the legalization of abortion. Despite winning the case and working for the abortion industry, she never did have an abortion herself. In 1995, she had a deep conversion, becoming a pro-life Christian. Later she came home, converting to the Roman Catholic Church.
Tirelessly, she spent the last 22 years fighting not only to overturn that law, but became pro-life “from conception until natural death.” She shed light on the manipulations, the lies, and hypocrisy which took place in the court and the abortion industry as a whole. You can read more about her in her book, I Am Roe.
Please join me in praying for her and all those who are mourning her passing. One of her goals was to see the law which bore her name overturned in her lifetime. That did not happen, however we can count on the fact that she will be interceding on our behalf in the spiritual battlefield, let us continue the good fight.
Eternal rest, grant unto her O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace. Amen.