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What a time to be alive, when beautiful well-made movies about the saints, including female saints, are being made. And among the best voices that has graced this generation is introducing his daughter’s talent in honor of the saint from his homeland. This is a movie I cannot wait to share, and am so hoping lives up to the reviews and excitement.

In the upcoming film, “Cabrini” the Italian immigrant (now sainted), Francesca Cabrini is featured in what reviews have claimed is a beautiful and inspiring story of this lovely and brave missionary of hope. Taking on the streets of New York to serve Christ and people who were forgotten, her mission is to convince the mayor to provide housing and care for those among the most vulnerable.

Between her broken English and her poor health, you would think she would have just wished for better, put her head down, and minded her own business serving as she could. However, she pushed past those barriers and decided to take the matter into her own hands and quickly became the bedrock of hope and faith for many while putting herself into the world of the powerful who wished she would leave well enough alone. While this doesn’t give the full life story of this beautiful saint, I am excited to see this chapter of her life.

Honoring this saint from his homeland who was sent to America by the Pope, Andrea Bocelli and his daughter Virginia (11), sing, “Dare to Dream” which will inspire you to dig deeper and find the beauty in the dream that God has given you a passion to work towards. Daughter of the world famous tenor or not, can you believe that voice?! Veronica also gets a role singing a solo on camera in a children’s choir under St. Cabrini’s watch that preforms outside of the mayor’s house while he watches from the window. Keep a careful eye, but it won’t be hard to find that voice, although a higher childlike pitch, in the scene.

Enjoy the song linked below for a glimpse of the talent and scenes you will encounter, and don’t forget to get your tickets for the film, which opens on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2024.

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