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Want something more faith-forming than a chocolate Advent calendar? You gotta check out the new My Nativity Advent Calendar from Magnificat and Ignatius Press. Here’s a look:

The calendar opens up to a nice night time manger setting, where every day during the month of December, you and your kids can take a new character or item from the calendar and add it to your Nativity scene.

My kids love putting this sort of thing together and they remember the story much better than when they get a morsel of chocolate or a lego santa from the calendars at the grocery store. My wife and I figure, if they’re going to do an Advent calendar, let them actually learn about Advent, too!

A keepsake booklet introduces each character or item and helps prepare a child to welcome Jesus at Christmas! This was, every day, there is something fun for the children to toy with and something for them to learn. There’s lots of slots all over the setting piece to put items like the stat, trees, and characters, too.

My Nativity Advent Calendar from Magnificat and Ignatius Press is a very sweet addition to the many wonderful children’s items at’s bookstore. This year is special for Advent calendars, too, you know? For the first time in a while, the Advent calendar will meet up perfectly with the Gregorian calendar. Now that’s convenient for those inevitable nights where you forget to do the calendar (yes, you’re not the only one)!

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