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Mother Cabrini, the first American to be canonized, has come to the big screen through Angel Studios and we love the excitement as people want to learn more about this wonderful saint. The children’s book, Mother Cabrini, A Heart for the World, brings the story to the level of children quite young who might not even be interested in the movie yet. While The Mother Cabrini Companion A Spiritual Journey with a Courageous Woman of God is written from the letters Mother Cabrini herself in a devotional format of 52 weeks. I, for one, am here for the deep dive into the world of this amazing humanitarian and servant of God.

Mother Cabrini, A Heart for the World

She came across the ocean and discovered her passion and mission- children and the poor were treated worse than the rats! At least the rats were given attention!

She goes about finding the poor and making a place for them that is safe, sheltered, and then makes it her mission to make sure laws are changed to care better for those who cannot help themselves.

She sets the example of someone who works tirelessly and allows others to join her in her mission. She works and she works and she goes to the newspapers and the politicians to make things different! How did one woman with many great fears do all of this? Through Christ’s strength and provision! The printed article made enough money for her to purchase an orphanage to house the orphans.

Teamwork was needed by everyone in the community to make life work for everyone. And they certainly did join her! Miracles abound, some of them through hard work and some of them through God’s mercy alone. Following the orphanage and the miracle of the water which allowed for a pump to be placed, she worked towards getting hospitals and schools, and more! When asked why, she answered, “Because at the hour of our death, we will all be asked the question: ‘What did you do for the poor, the sick and the homeless?'”

The story is followed by a summery of her life and what she did to change the way the poor and helpless were treated in America.

You can purchase your copy of this wonderful picture book by clicking here.

The Mother Cabrini Companion

Also produced by Angel Studios, who wouldn’t want to learn from the Saint herself through this lovely weekly devotional?

Complete with a section in the back of short quotes, source material and biography of the saint, you can easily dig even deeper to learn more about her beyond even the devotions themselves.

Each week has several short sections taken from her letters, writings, and personal journals organized into topics. This is an easy to read devotional if you leave it on the bedstand or on a coffee table. 52 topics in all, its hard to cover them all without going over the full list of content in the book. But you will find yourself thinking on her practical advice and wisdom on topics such as detachment, creation, how creation mirrors the soul, love of God and gift of grace, missionary zeal, the religious vocation, the Church and the fallen world, the science of suffering, separation and death, Mary (in various titles), The blessed sacrament, humility, eternal love, serenity, conquering human respect, conquering sin, happiness and faithfulness, obedience, the power of prayer, the church militant and the church suffering, building the Kingdom of God… and so many more!

You can get your copy by clicking on this link.

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