Novena to the Infant of Prague – EpicPew

Novena to the Infant of Prague

The Novena to the Infant of Prague stems back to the 16th century. The statue originated in Spanish culture but eventually landed in the Czech Republic in the city of Prague where it is today.  The statue of the Infant of Prague resides in Our Lady of Victory Parish where millions have visited the site to intercede to the Lord. Pilgrims come in humble prayer of humility and in simplicity in honor of the Infant Jesus.  The stories behind the statue of the Infant center around the prayers of a priest named Father Cyril who developed a deep devotion to the Infant Jesus upon discovering the hands of the statue were broken and in need of repair. After various trials related to finding the necessary funds for the repairs, the Lord spoke to Father Cyril one night in front of the Blessed Sacrament and of the statue.

The First Apostle of the Devotion to the Infant

During a moment of mystic ecstasy, in prayer, Father Cyril heard the Lord speak to him, “Have pity on me, and I will have pity on you. Give me my hands, and I will give you peace. The more you honor me, the more I will bless you.” At that moment, Father noticed the hands of the statue were broken. He felt impelled to have the hands fixed, but at the time, there were no funds available to do so. Again, after many trials, God provided the money needed to repair the Infant statue. To this day and throughout the world the Lord uses the devotion to the Infant of Prague to draw others closer to Jesus and to Mary.  He does this through his providence, care, and through leading them gently to trust God in all matters.


The emergency Novena to the Infant of Prague:

“O Jesus , who has said, ‘Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened’. Through the intercession of Mary, your Most Holy Mother, I knock, I seek, I ask that my prayer be granted. (State your intention.)

O Jesus, who has said, ‘All that you ask of the Father in My Name, He will grant you’. Through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I humbly and urgently ask Your Father in your name that my prayer be granted. (State your intention.)

O Jesus, Who has said, ‘Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My word shall not pass away’. Through the intercession of Mary, Your Most Holy Mother, I feel confident that my prayer be granted. (State your intention.)

O Divine Child of Prague, and still the great omnipotent God, I implore through Your Most Holy Mother’s powerful intercession and through the boundless mercy of Your omnipotence as God, for a favorable answer to the intention I so earnestly ask. O Divine Child of Prague, hear my prayer and grant my petition. Amen.

Intercession to the Infant of Prague

The Infant of Prague is the patron saint of children, of education, health, and of good finances. Churches, monasteries, and homes through the world for centuries house the Infant in honor of the Child Jesus. In praying for his intercession, we can learn to be humbler, to persevere through the trials of life, and to trust God in his great providence. His feast day is the third Sunday of May. Honor the Lord on this day and always in full trust of God’s love and care for you and your loved ones.  He is a good and loving God, and the Infant of Prague is a reminder of his tremendous care for all of his children both now and for all eternity.

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