VATICAN CITY – The good of the family is the antidote to a world that worships the ego, Pope Francis said in a video message this weekend.
“The family born of marriage creates fruitful bonds, which reveal themselves to be the most effective antidote against the individualism that currently runs rampant; however, along the journey of marital love and family life there are situations that require arduous choices, which must be made with rectitude.”
In Amoris laetitia, Pope Francis wrote that the future of the world and the Church is dependent on the good of the family.
This warning message about the dangers of individualism and selfishness is not new for Pope Francis. In October of this year, he addressed the Pontifical Academy for Life, saying, “There are those who even speak of ego-latry, that is, of a true worship of the ego, on whose altar is sacrificed everything, including the dearest affections. This perspective is not harmless: it molds a subject that looks constantly in the mirror, until it becomes incapable of turning its eyes to others and the world. The spread of this attitude has most serious consequences for all the affections and ties of life.”
Pope Francis sent a video message to those attending the Italian Bishops Conference on the post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris laetitia. The conference, which took place in Rome, was centered around the theme of “The Gospel of love between conscience and the norm.”
In the video, Pope Francis also commented on the Gospel of John and the importance of mercy. “Jesus points in particular to the medicine of mercy, which cures the hardness of the heart, restoring the relationship between husband and wife, and between parents and children,” he said.
The pope ended the video message by blessing those who attended the Symposium. “Let the Church in Italy help to assimilate and develop Amoris laetitia’s content and style; may she contribute to the formation of family group animators in parishes, associations, and movements; may she support the journey of so many families, helping them to live the joy of the Gospel, and to be active cells in the community. I bless you, and I ask you, please, to pray for me.”