7 Inspiring Quotes from Saint Pope Paul VI for this Christmas Season – EpicPew

7 Inspiring Quotes from Saint Pope Paul VI for this Christmas Season

Pope Paul VI was arguably the most perceptive and visionary popes of the modern era. He observed the rise of secularism, and prophesied the negative effects it would have on family and the human soul. 

If you’re looking for a saint to draw close to with all the turmoil in the world and in the Church today, look no further than Pope Paul VI. Perhaps even peaceful seasons like Advent and Christmas fill you with stress or dread. Pope Paul VI’s words of wisdom about joy and the human person can help you through this season. 

If you don’t know much about this visionary, pick up a copy of “Saint Pope Paul VI” by Matthew Bunson. Within it’s pages, you’ll be introduced to one of the Church’s newest saints! 

Pope Paul VI spoke on many subjects, but here are some quotes from the 262nd pope of the Catholic Church to help you celebrate this Christmas season! 

1. Christ among us 

“Although he was the Son of God, Jesus Christ wished for the sake of our redemption to become one of us. He shared our human condition, making himself part of the world of his time, speaking the language of his country, and drawing on local life for the examples with which to illustrate his teachings of justice, truth, hope, and love. Today, his teaching spreads throughout the world.” 

2. Mary’s Christmas joy 

“With Christ, she sums up in herself all joys; she lives the perfect joy promised the Church: Mater plena sanctae laetitiae. And it is with good reason that her children on earth, turning to her who is the mother of hope and grace, invoke her as the cause of their joy.”

3. No one is excluded from joy 

“No one is excluded from the joy brought by the Lord. The great joy announced by the angels on Christmas night is truly for all people, both for the people of Israel then anxiously awaiting a Savior, and for the numberless people made up of all those who, in time to come, would receive its message and strive to live by it.” 

4. The real gift of dignity 

“But it is not enough to feed the hungry. Each man must also be assured a life is keeping with his dignity.” 

5. The necessity of peace 

“Is peace possible? Yes it is. It must be. But let us be sincere: Peace, as we have already said, is a duty and is possible, but it is so only with the concourse of many and not easy conditions. we are aware that to discuss the condition for peace is a very long and very difficult task.” 

6. Loving others well

“The Holy Spirit also gives you the grace to discover the image of the Lord in the hearts of men, and teaches you to love them as brothers and sisters. Again, He helps you to see the manifestations of His love in events. If we are humbly attentive to men and things, the Spirit of Jesus enlighten us and enriches us with His wisdom, provided that we are imbued with the spirit of prayer.” 

7. Christ among us 

“He dwelt among us, full of grace and truth. He proclaimed and established the Kingdom of God and made us know in Himself the Father.” 

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