In this world of craziness, you might be a little off your rocker to study Catholicism and even sillier if you choose to become a Catholic (GASP!). If you did take the plunge (in the waters of baptism as an infant or as an adult) and you are Catholic, maybe you should have read this post first.
I present you with 26 reasons everyone should leave the Catholic Church immediately…
1. Catholic theologians know next to nothing
Take Scott Hahn for example. Like he’s even written a single book.
2. The Catholic Church isn’t even historical
There’s definitely not a record of popes going back 2000 years.
3. The Pope is devoid of fun
4. Literally nobody famous is Catholic
5. Catholic Church has no art worth gazing upon
6. Architecture …? yuck
7. Priests are dull, too
8. There are literally NO YOUTH anywhere
Especially at World Youth Day
9. Did I mention Catholic Church hates women?
10. Catholics just don’t know how to relax
11. They’re out of touch with the culture
It’s also no fun to be Pope Francis’ ONLY follower on Twitter.
12. No love for the poor
13. Or sick people
14. They’re just heartless
15. Well okay just him and her, nobody else
15. The saints are boring and had nothing interesting to say
16. And that whole Eucharist thing isn’t even in the Bible
17. Miracles are a modern invention
18. And nuns… don’t even get me started
19. The Catholic Church hates sex, which really sucks
20. Art… meh…
21. Then there’s Mary
22. She’s never even been closely associated with a miracle
23. Okay that was a long time ago and she probably appeared to a dude
24. Well the Church definitely hates women
25. Fine, they’re always serious and have no sense of humor
26. Whatever, the Catholic Church is dying anyway
Better leave while you can!