Searched "Catholic dads" -- Results Were Awesome – EpicPew

Searched “Catholic dads” — Results Were Awesome

I was curious how society views “Catholic dads” so I used my trusty search engine to see what I could find.


Cuddly dads with their kids

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Ah, yes. The classic cuddling with dad in bed. Take away this dad’s smile, and add a foot in dad’s ribs and maybe little arms strangling his neck, and this would be my mornings… every. single. day.


Standing in the back of the church during Mass

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Look familiar? Catholic dad+baby+Mass=Standing at the back of the church? You can find many dads standing in the back. It’s like they have their own secret club back there or something.

THE Catholic dad

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St. Joseph. The ultimate Catholic dad, amiright?! Love this guy. So did Jesus.


The Pope

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Well…duh. #popefrancis #papa



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No Catholic dad search would be complete without finding Jesus, because…Jesus.


Dad and the boys in Mass

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Setting a great example for his boys. #catholicdadwin #raisingthemright


Following in his footsteps

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Aww. So cute because tiny shoes and stuff.


Father and son bonding

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“Dad, this parenting thing is gonna be a cake-walk!”

“You keep telling yourself that, son!”


Kisses for dad

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A little girl’s first love


Dr. Ray!

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Dr. Ray Guarendi, awesome Catholic dad. He’ll make any Catholic dad want to be a better man.


BBQ, Beer, awesome Catholic dads

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Looks like the perfect Sunday afternoon to me!


Quality time

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Now THIS is what I want my future to look like, hopefully with a stringer of fish to go with it.


Catholic dads are the best!

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