You Need to See This Divine Mercy Sidewalk Art

You Need to See This Divine Mercy Sidewalk Art

Classically trained artist, Michelle Ryan (also the current Registrar at Chesterton Academy of the Holy Family) found a creative way to evangelize her neighborhood in the absence of person-to-person contact during the lockdown due to COVID-19. Take a look at the...
8 Ways to Appreciate Beauty in Your Daily Life

8 Ways to Appreciate Beauty in Your Daily Life

Do you think that beauty is just for the cultured, the dreamer, or the romantic? Think again. In his new book, Beauty: What It Is and Why It Matters, John-Mark L. Miravalle argues that beauty isn’t just a matter of opinion. In fact, since everyone has a...
8 Iconic and Rare Paintings of the Trinity

8 Iconic and Rare Paintings of the Trinity

In sacred art, nothing is more difficult to depict than the Trinity. The Father is unseen, the Holy Spirit is more than a dove, and Jesus is more than a man. Throughout time, artists have given their best efforts to allegorically depicting the Trinity in order to...