More than likely, you’re aching for human connection right now. We can’t go see our friends when we want to, or get together with our family. With public Masses canceled, we’re missing our church communities and small groups. You’re probably in...
Every saint starts somewhere. All where just regular people at some point who lived the faith in extraordinary ways and when they died, their holiness and dedication to Christ just couldn’t be denied! Here are five Catholic women (who’ve entered eternal...
Wish you had time to put together a liturgically themed feast day menu, but barely get around to shopping? Don’t worry. There’s a subscription box for that. Always wanting to support Catholic artisans but never know where to start browsing? There’s a...
Happy New Year! You may think that we’re jumping the gun, but if you’re a Catholic, you’re gearing up for a brand new year whether you know it or not. Advent kicks of this weekend and brings with it the beginning of Year C, a brand new liturgical...
What is St. John Lateran Basilica, and why does it get its own day in the Catholic Church’s liturgical calendar? Normally, the Church’s liturgical calendar designates feast days, solemnities, and memorials that we celebrate throughout the year. We honor...