7 Inspiring Advent Traditions from Around the World

7 Inspiring Advent Traditions from Around the World

In the mad dash towards Christmas, Advent is sometimes overlooked. But this church season has traditions and charm all its own. Here are a few ways people around the world commemeorate and celebrate in Advent. Hopefully they’ll inspire you to honor this sacred...
The Mass and the Manger Interactive Christmas Story

The Mass and the Manger Interactive Christmas Story

The Mass and the Manger is easily my favorite new Christmas book this year! Kids know that Jesus’s birthday is celebrated on Christmas, but do they really get why it is we go to Mass on this most special day? Do you know, even? No shame, these are questions that...
Cozy Reading for Children!

Cozy Reading for Children!

I love snuggling up with a really good book and a mug of cocoa in the cooler months, especially with my littles. There are wiggles and questions and giggles—there’s nothing like good read-aloud with them! One of our traditions is to gift new books to the kids...
Which “O” Antiphon Doesn’t Belong?

Which “O” Antiphon Doesn’t Belong?

The time for the great “O” Antiphons is almost upon us! The USCCB explains, The Roman Church has been singing the “O” Antiphons since at least the eighth century. They are the antiphons that accompany the Magnificat canticle of...