Four years ago I became Catholic from an Evangelical Protestant background. Last year I had the privilege of seeing both my parents come into full communion with the Catholic Church! Both my mom and my dad have their own reasons for being drawn into the Church, and...
St. Zélie Martin is best know as the Little Flower’s mother, but she’s also a legend in her own right. Between her letters to family members and her five daughters memories of her, we have a few books that detail her inner thoughts and the activities that...
At the end of every Mass, we are told to “Go out and share the Gospel.” As the congregation begins to leave somewhere between beating the priest out the door, to leaving right at the end of the first verse, to leaving at the end of the chorus, to actually waiting to...
Now, more than ever, we need to be strong in our faith. We also need to clarify things that the media and anti-Catholic folks may be spreading that are untrue. There are a number of great ways to do it: social media, talking with friends and family, even at theme...
To honor St. Josemaria Escriva, whose feast we celebrated this week, here are seven quotable quotes from the founder of Opus Dei. St. Josemaria Escriva died fairly recently, in 1975, so it may not be surprising that his spirituality and writings are especially...