Remember getting that summer reading list from school when you were a kid? Even if all the books from your summer reading lists sat untouched in your backpack all summer long, it’s time to put the past behind you and start planning your summer reading list this...
BuzzFeed is known for its funny articles and sometimes controversial news stories, so I wanted to find out what they had on Catholics. I typed “Catholic” in the search bar and these are the best of what came up. 15 Regular Words That Have Different...
In Luke 1, Gabriel told Mary to call her son Jesus, which means “God saves”. Throughout the Bible, we are also told of Jesus’ many other names, along with their meanings. Here are a few. 1. The Word John 1 gives us this profound name of Jesus. John...
Finding out something that you might not have known is always a fascinating and illuminating experience. Things that you may take for granted have a nifty back story or custom/tradition that dropped it into the collective consciousness. As a budding historian, I have...
Lately, Big Bang Theory actress, neuroscientist, and outspoken Orthodox Jew Mayim Bialik has been catching some heat for how she chooses to dress on the Red Carpet—not because she’s wearing too little, but because she’s wearing more than the norm....