10 Reasons it’s Great to be Catholic

10 Reasons it’s Great to be Catholic

Vatican II’s Decree on Ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio tell us about non-Catholic Christians, Nor should we forget that anything wrought by the grace of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of our separated brethren can be a help to our own edification. Whatever is...
10 Reasons the Unborn is Not Part of a Woman’s Body

10 Reasons the Unborn is Not Part of a Woman’s Body

One of the chief cries of abortion-on-demand supporters has been that of bodily autonomy—“my body my choice!”  The soundbyte goes something like this, “a woman should be free to decide what to do with her own body.”  Setting aside the highly dubious hidden...
20 Cool Things About Nuns in Habits

20 Cool Things About Nuns in Habits

There’s so many great things about the sisterhood. Without a doubt, they’re one of the most recognizable people on earth, and there are several great things about that. Here’s 20 cool things about nuns in habits!   1. Guys don’t mistake them for...
12 Epic Facts About Deacons

12 Epic Facts About Deacons

1. Deacons have been in the Church since its very early days The first follower of Jesus to be martyred was a deacon, St. Stephen. He was an eloquent speaker and drew many people to Jesus. He was stoned to death, and right to the very end, proclaimed the good news of...