Parenting is hard. Trying to parent morally and bring up children in the light of Christ is even harder. On Gilmore Girls, Mrs. Kim was the only truly religious person presented on the show and, although she was a Seventh Day Adventist (which was portrayed fairly...
What is more important than introducing children to our God, faith and Church? Nothing! It can be a daunting task even for the best teachers, so when I find amazing tools which make my kids eyes sparkle as they make connection, I HAVE to SHARE! My Little...
When we think of “greatness” we tend to think of realms like the political or the arts. Lincoln was a great President. The Beatles were a great rock band. Casablanca was a great film. Greatness is not necessarily co-terminous or identical with...
“I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10) It is not easy to be a parent in modern times. On the one hand, there are numerous negative pressures from the media and various strata of society. On the other hand, there is...
Being a Catholic parent or teacher can be daunting work. We’re entrusted with SOULS of small people and burdened with raising them to be good and faithful adults. Having the wisdom that we do from being out in the world for a while now (hehe), we know all too...