10 Important Reasons Your Next Book Should be a Prayer Book
Growing up in a Polish neighborhood in Dearborn, Michigan, all the Polish grandmothers had prayer books. They could be seen pouring over them before Mass. Only recently have I become a prayer book sort of person. I do not know why I did not recognize its benefits...
5 Surprising Ways To Sanctify Your Sleep
With the colder months and daylight ending as Summer approaches, many people are going to bed earlier. And with the pandemic still here and teleworking the norm, many others are waking up later. Saint Paul told us to pray unceasingly. That would include our time...
Want a Real Prayer Challenge? Start This 9-Month Novena
Do you feel stagnant in your prayer life? Are you looking for a real prayer challenge? Do you have an “impossible” intention that requires some “big guns” to be pulled out! Why not try the nine month novena! The history None of my research has come up with the origin...