The world is a strange, sometimes scary place that’s constantly changing. We’re constantly being bombarded with new challenges in the form of new technology or devastating viruses or any number of things. Because of this, sometimes we can feel so lost in...
Although it may seem like we just finished celebrating Christmas, Lent is just a few weeks away. Now is the time to prepare how we are going to enhance our Lenten journey, and there isn’t a more poignant way than to walk with Mary. Fr. Edward Looney carries us...
There is a war raging, but it’s not happening in Afghanistan or Iran or even North Korea: it’s much broader than these locations. This is a one on one battle, up close and personal: the battle for your soul. It has been going on since the beginning of time...
As Catholic parents, our goal is to bring our children back to God by raising them in the Faith. Children grow up, as they often do, they will make their own choices and they may choose from turn away from the Faith. As heartbreaking as that is, we are blessed to have...
Like talking about sex? Okay. Protestants like it and have very few restrictions for it other than that it must be within the confines of marriage. Catholics . . . appear to not like it? That can’t be right. Catholics just regulate sex a lot because they think...