The book of Proverbs in the Old Testament is one of the wisdom books (along with others like Job, Sirach, and the Book of Wisdom) and contains many simple adages for living a godly life. However, these are often not as easy to put into practice as it is to read them!...
Why do Catholics pray to Saint Christopher before they go on trips? Who started the trend of praying to Saint Anthony when they lost something? Why do Catholics bury statues of Saint Joseph (upside down!) in their yards when they’re trying to sell their home?...
Conversion stories powerfully show the mercy, grace, power, and love of God. There’s a whole parable dedicated to converts—the story of the prodigal son. “Coming to his senses he thought, ‘How many of my father’s hired workers have more than enough food to...
For years, we’ve learned the stories of heroes and villains in comic books. Kids and adults alike enjoy stories of justice, sacrifice, and heroics. Read more: Why Batman is Catholic But comic books aren’t just for Superman, Batman, and the Hulk anymore....
We try hard. Really hard. Sometimes too hard to be perfect. And when we fail, we become discouraged and fall harder. What is it about sin that makes it so difficult to conquer? Why are we lured into temptation, failing once again? Father Philip Dion wrote A Handbook...