When you have something as old as the Catholic Church, you’re bound to see some rough patches and damage done. We’ve seen martyrdoms and terrorist attacks, clergy scandals, and natural disasters. Through all of this, the Church stood strong. On an...
On May 12, Pope Francis gave the green light for Catholics to pilgrimage to Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, which the sight of alleged Marian apparitions. Papal spokesman Alessandro Gisotti said in a statement the same day that this authorization of pilgrimage...
When a fellow parishioner returned from a Marian pilgrimage, she brought me a rosary from the shrine of Our Lady of Montserrat. I was happy to receive the gift, even if I didn’t know a single thing about this particular Marian apparition. When I asked friends, none of...
The First Luminous Mystery, John Baptizes Jesus A few years ago, my husband changed our desktop wallpaper to a gorgeous image of Christ and the Apostles at the last supper. It was a mosaic, drawn in beautiful and vibrant colors. We didn’t know it’s...
As someone who studied to become a speech-language pathologist (SLP), I was excited to learn about an extraordinary parish especially devoted to the deaf community in the Los Angeles Archdiocese. I had seen an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter at a regular Mass...