Vatican’s New Track Team Races Towards the Olympics

Vatican’s New Track Team Races Towards the Olympics

ROME – Nuns, priests, Swiss guards, and migrants make up the new Vatican official track team. Their running club started out as a group of friends who ran together along the Tiber. But now the group has their eyes on the Olympics. Vatican Athletics is made up of...
More Bones Found at the Vatican Embassy

More Bones Found at the Vatican Embassy

ITALY – The investigation continues at the Italian Embassy of the Holy See. This week, Italian police found more bones when examining the Holy See territory in an investigative probe. Preliminary examinations of the bones found last week revealed that the...
10 Quotes from Synod on Young People Worth Remembering

10 Quotes from Synod on Young People Worth Remembering

The Synod on Youth, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment ended in Rome on October 28, after a month of discussions, debates, writing, and voting. A lot of ink has been spilled about what happened, and you can read various perspectives on all the major Catholic news...