Teaching Children About the Blessed Mother – EpicPew

Teaching Children About the Blessed Mother

Our blessed mother Mary is the greatest of all the saints. Mary’s virtue was at the highest level as she lived on earth and her complete followership of Christ is a true model for all of us. As parents, we can teach our kids about Our Lady and her love for them. We can teach them that Mary will intercede for us throughout our lives. Here are a few ways to teach your children the value of loving Mary, our spiritual mother.

She is our mother

All of us have an earthly mother as the way we came into this world. A mother’s love is a gift from God when filled with charity and care for her children. In the same way, Mary is our mother. Christ gave her to us while he was hanging on the cross: “‘Woman, behold, your son!’ Then he said to the disciple, ‘Behold, your mother!’” (John 19:26-27). She is the mother of all of us and a model for us to imitate through life. Children can be taught this from a young age. The beautiful prayer of the Hail Mary is one we can pray from early life and to the end of our lives.

She is with us

Teaching children that Mary is with us in the good and bad times of life is a blessing to instill. Kids need to know the beauty of loving our mother Mary as the mother of God. She is always interceding for us. When kids understand this fact, it can be a game changer for their faith even at a young age. Do this through prayer, showing your kids that Mary is a loving—and powerful—intercessor.

Mary teaches us how to live

Mary loved God above all and did his will. She teaches us how to live for God and in being obedient to him. Mary shows us that love and sacrifice will get us through life. The way this is done is through perseverance and through a deep relationship with God. Mary’s relationship with God was profound because living for God and his will was prime in her life. Children can learn of Mary’s love and follow in her footsteps. Mary always points to her son and not to herself.

These ways will help children to know and understand the love of Mary and the value of imitating her. Once children grasp this, their faith will be more secure knowing that Mary is praying for them. Mary will lead them on the path of virtue and of sanctification in life.

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