These Are Four of the Best Catholic Children's Books Available – EpicPew

These Are Four of the Best Catholic Children’s Books Available

“Only God knows the good that can come about by reading one good Catholic book.” — St. John Bosco

St. John Bosco is known, in part, for his education of the young. So, if he couldn’t measure the worth and impact of a good Catholic book, then I will put as many good catholic books in my children’s hands as they will read!

Magnificat and Ignatius prove to be favorites with my children (and I) over and over again. In fact, I cannot think of a book from them that hasn’t been a home run. Here are some of the books we added to their library over this Christmas season that we have read together over and over again.

Watch Over Me Little Angel

My boys love angels. Warrior angels, loving angels, messenger angels, guiding angels, protectors, and guardian angels. They love learning all the roles that angels have played in bible stories and were so excited to read a book where everything about them was true (no, angels don’t get their wings when bells ring, sorry George Bailey). Get Watch Over Me Little Angel here. 

The pictures are friendly and though the pages were a little long for my always-on-the-run two-year-old, he still loves the pictures and retells enough to let us know he takes in more than we realize. My seven-year-old had so many questions pop into his head as we began to read this book that I almost thought we’d never get through it. But before we were done reading it, almost all of his questions were answered without me having to go to any other sources to find his answers! Big win for both of us.

My First Prayers for the Whole Year

If you have read my reviews, visited my house outside of ordinary time, or basically ever had a conversation with me, you know I love liturgical living, especially as it involves my kids. One of the things we have been focusing on is learning more prayers for the different times of the year. Changing of seasons, feast days, and the classics we all know and love.

This is one of the books that is going to remain displayed on the bookshelf instead of tucked away snuggly so that little hands can reach for it all the more. Buy a copy of My First Prayers for the Whole Year here, and get another as a gift.

Mary Stories from the Bible

Just having my first baby girl this year I was so excited to add this to her collection of beautiful books that will help her to relate to our Lord’s mother as she grows up. But I found my first impression challenged when I saw all three of my son’s gravitate towards this book as I showed the pictures to my six month old baby girl.

It is friendly for children’s hands with a plush hard cover, the art is welcoming and soft, and the stories beautifully written. For the first time, I contemplated what it must have been like for Anne to raise Mary. My older boys realized that while I am their biological mother, Mary is a spiritual mother to them who they will always have to turn to for comfort and help. Get Mary Stories from the Bible here. 

The Gospel Told by the Animals

St. Francis is one of my kids favorite saints right now, in part due to the talking brother wolf. So this book had their undivided attention. A wonderfully written account of the gospel from a new perspective. Some of their favorite Nativity stories are from the perspective of the animals, but the entire gospel?! I love that it is one that you can read all in one setting or one story at a time before bed.

You will love having these beautiful books among your personal library to learn from and be challenged by yourself, but also filling your children’s minds and hearts with the story of how much God loves them. Get The Gospel Told by the Animals here.